

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Lord is actively working! update from Wednesday

We had a very successful meeting and made great strides in improvement on building projects and mission work for the summer! Followed by a fantastic Bible study on Prayer, and that was followed by great fellowshipping and a birthday cake for Heather Boomer! :) (picture above!)
For you who missed it here's what was decided:
We split our list of projects into two catagories, teen and adult projects. We have some congregations that are, Lord willing, coming on mission trips up and want to help with things like this, us being only 20 members!
We decided the most important projects are as follows: A parking lot with recycled asphalt, lights replaced and outdoor motion detector lights, screens put in windows along with locks, a bathroom upstairs, and nursery fixed, maybe moved to a room downstairs.
Lots of stuff to get done!
Im sad we didn't have you with us if you missed this great fellowship time! Alyssa and I are both SO happy to be back with you from college!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

First summer event: Wednesday Night May 26!

Wednesday night we'll be meeting an hour early to discuss all our ideas about the summer and upcoming projects! Everyone's imput is needed, we'll be having coffee, tea and other beverages. Bible study to follow, bring your ideas and heart's to serve!!