

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Your prayers have been answered.

God is so powerful!! I have seen your prayers being answered with my own eyes! I asked you to pray for growth in Granby, Colorado this summer. But God has taken your prayers and gone beyond my expectations- Like He always does! :) Our church is growing. Emery Bear is one of our newest members, and boy has be been used. He was once a preacher for the Lord's church, but for many years had not been in attendence. Out of the blue, he came visiting and immediately jumped in!! We've been blessed by his insight and zeal for God's kingdom, and now he has a preaching job Rangely, CO!! in just 5 or 6 months, God created a spiritual monster. We just received a call just now from him, that he already baptised a person!!! God is SO so good!! He has taken your prayers for Granby, and spread the growth all the way to Rangely. Wow!

Some more new part time members, that have also been incredibly uplifting and zealous, and Roger and Stella Holly. They will be moving to Oregan on Tuesday, and will not return to our little town.. God really brought them to us at the perfect time, and they've really, really touched out hearts.

Gale and Paul kite, and sharon and Lynn Jennings, are also leaving us for the summer.(this makes up about half the congregation!) God had a specific purpose for bringing this group together this summer, and it has been amazing.

Granby Church of Christ is so special. The Lord's bride is beautiful, and it's hard to leave this internship. I'll be leaving for study abroad in Athens, Greece on Thursday with Harding University, and the things I've seen this summer will be with me forever. As I close out this blog, please keep the intense mission field in Granby Colorado in your prayers... If we ask Him, God can go even further, and use his members to reach out to those we‘d never think He‘d touch.

God bless!!

Mountain View Church of Christ Visit!

August 29, some of us traveled to Buena Vista, Colorado, to spend some time with Mountain View Church of christ! Dave did a sermon called "Carrying Our Own Cross," along with a little talk about what the Lord has been doing in Granby. Aftwards the family of believers had a potluck prepared for us, and a devotional following. :) It's always a blessing to meet with believers who can share in our struggle with the Colorado mentality and church growth! :)

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Fellowship day/ cookout at Roger and Stella's!

What an encouragement it is to be around family. had a great time at the Holly's campground! enjoyed some live entertainment, who knew we had such talented members at our little church? and ate some yummy hot dogs and s'mores! :)

They taught me how to play a game called "snake toss" or something!! :D It was incredibly addicting and entertaining!! :)

We will miss Roger and stella SO MUCH after this summer!! :) They're in my prayers.. so greatful for their love!

miss you two!

John Fears Gospel Meeting from Pocahontas. Arkansas

the past month has been incredibly uplifting! The gospel meeting with John Fears kicked us off, putting us on a spiritual high. Praise God for the messages He spoke to us through John! :) and we're sure thankful for the willingness to travel all the way out here to be used as an instrument of God's glory! THANKS!